The Blessing of Friends

“Just for you Di. From your high school buddies!” Image credit: Lisa N

“Just for you Di. From your high school buddies!”
Image credit: Lisa N

“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”  G. Randolf

It all began with a call to my high school friend, Lisa.  Once on the phone, we slipped into the familiar rhythm of girl-talk.  Our conversation flowed freely, transcending across the miles and weeks since we last talked.   She asked about my family.  I inquired about her health.  We caught up on news from back home in Indiana.  Two more friends from high school, Wyneek and Tammy, were meeting her in Florida for a girls week away.  Lisa said I should join them.  Sounded like fun, but I couldn’t swing it.  She promised to tell them hello from me.  I said goodbye with a parting request, “Post a fun picture on Facebook.”  And so she did.

“Just for you Di. From your high school buddies!”  

The photo and caption brought a smile to my face.  Since we were the graduating class of 1980 (I’m dating myself here), my mind raced back to that earlier time of fun and friendship.  I recalled notes passed in class and silly nights at slumber parties.  Our group of girls grew up and on to college and weddings and babies; always touching base to support each other during difficult times and the loss of loved ones.  My thoughts turned reflective when I realized how special it is that our friendship has endured through time.

“So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you’re already doing this; just keep on doing it.”  1 Thessalonians 5:11 (MSG)

Scripture leaves no doubt that Jesus deeply values relationships: our connection with God and with each other.  Depending on the translation, the theme of relationship is referenced over 150 times in the bible.  But I’m convinced, the friendship between women is special.  In a UCLA study, Researcher Gale Berkowitz describes the bond of female friends like this:  “They shape who we are and who we are yet to be. They soothe our tumultuous inner world, fill the emotional gaps in our marriage, and help us remember who we really are.”  The older I become the more I’ve learned to appreciate time spent with my friends.  A shout out to you, ALL my dear girlfriends!

Friendship is one of life’s greatest gifts.

A note to my readers:  Lisa and I have kept in touch over the years through Christmas cards, occasional phone calls, and more recently on Facebook.  Lisa enjoys photography and I enjoy Lisa’s pictures.  The image she captured and shared on FB was the inspiration behind this story.  Other images by Lisa are featured in two previous posts:  A Light Leading Home and God’s Glory in Nature.

The title quote from Randolf has made it into my life twice, both engraved on gifts from dear friends.  Thank you, Wendy and Karah, for your gift of friendship.

Coincidence?  More likely the cool synchronicity of Christ’s blessing in my life.