Playing With Fire


“In my distress I prayed to the Lord, and the Lord answered me and set me free.”  Psalm 118:5  (NLT)

A Story by Nicholas, Age 8

When I was using Woody and Buzz Lightyear to act out scenes from Toy Story, I almost started a fire!  Do you remember when they were trying to catch up with Andy’s van?  Woody used a match to light the rocket taped to Buzz’s back.  They blasted high in the sky and came down right next to Andy.  It’s a cool ending!  Even though I’m not allowed to play with matches, that scene sure looked fun.  I decided to give it a try.

Wow!  I lit the match and a huge flame shot up!

I kept blowing and blowing but it wouldn’t go out.  The fire was getting close to my fingers so I yelled for my dad as I threw down the match.  Dad was there in a flash!  He stepped on the flame and pulled me close for a hug.  I felt safe in his arms.  So safe that I started to cry.  Dad closed his eyes and said a prayer of thanks.  I said a prayer of thanks, too.

Conversation Starters

  1. Was there a time when a parent or adult came to your rescue?  If so, retell your story.
  2. Nicholas’ reenactment spiraled dangerously out of control.  Discuss different ways this story may have ended.
  3. From a biblical perspective, talk about what Psalm 118:5 and Nicholas’ experience have in common.

An Adult Perspective

Speaker and author, Jason Frenn, recently spoke at Saddleback Church.  His message was on using God’s power to break destructive patterns in your life.  One comment hit home:

“If there’s a fire in your life, don’t wait until it’s too late or think you can handle it by yourself.  Many people have lost their lives by little flames they thought they could take care of quietly, privately, all by themselves.”

There are sinful inclinations smoldering in everyone’s life.  Greed, lust, and pride seem to rank near the top.  Immoral acts are like real fires; if not absolutely extinguished and left unattended, an unexpected breeze or shifting of circumstance has the potential to ignite an ember and set your whole life ablaze!

Lives can be lost in a fire.

My heavenly Father waits knowingly in the wings poised to come to my rescue!  He has the power to douse infernos.  He’s in the business of saving souls.  I’m reminded to embrace the certainty of His word in the Psalms:  “The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him sincerely and in truth.”  Psalm 145:18  (AMP)  God never intended for me to manage hardship all alone.  He provided prayer as a way to reach out to Him.  I’m learning to turn to Christ when fires burn hot in my life.

If there’s a fire in your life, reach out to the Lord.  His loving grace will set you free!